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Financial Planning

Financial Planning is the process of meeting your life goals through the proper management of your finances. Life goals can include buying a house, saving for your child’s higher education or planning for retirement. The Financial Planning Process consists of various steps that help you take a ‘big picture’ look at where you are currently. Using these steps, you can work out where you are now, what you may need in the future and what you must do to reach your goals. The process involves gathering relevant financial information, setting life goals, examining your current financial status and coming up with a strategy or plan for how you can meet your goals given your current situation and future plans.
Financial Planning provides direction and meaning to your financial decisions. It allows you to understand how each financial decision you make affects other areas of your finances. For example, buying a particular investment product might help you pay off your mortgage faster or it might delay your retirement significantly. By viewing each financial decision as part of the whole, you can consider its short and long-term effects on your life goals. You can also adapt more easily to life changes and feel more secure that your goals are on track.
We have multiple programs for specific employee groups in corporates to better understand the world of financial planning and apply it in their lives effectively.
Holistic Financial Wellness Program – Basic
Millinelials (Age Group 18-35)
Help them find their identity capital to lead a healthy, wealthy and happy life. According to Meg Jay, in her book The Defining Decade. “Identity capital is our collection of personal assets- a repertoire of individual resources that we assemble over time. Some identity capital goes on a resume…and other identity capital is more personal, such as how we speak, where we form, how we solve problems, how we look. Identity capital is how we build ourselves-bit by bit, over time.”
By conducting onsite Life & Money workshops with sessions for 4 hours/ 6 hours / 8 hours. The workshops is split into two phases: the first one focus on helping you gain clarity on life and money, identify your priorities and goals in life. The second phase focuses on simple money management technique and basic financial planning concepts to help you achieve your personal and financial goals. Followed by online ‘Nudge’ programs to help them implement the action plans drawn by them at the workshop to help achieve their financial goals.
Holistic Financial Wellness Program – Advanced
35-45 Age Group Segment
They are largely at the prime age and, unlike the millennials who are finding their identity capital, this age group has achieved peak performance with higher disposable income. They are concerned with achieving their personal milestones which includes secure financial freedom for their retirement and other goals.
By conducting onsite Life & Money workshops with sessions for 4 hours/ 6 hours / 8 hours. Followed by online ‘Nudge’ programs to help them implement the action plans drawn by them at the workshop to help achieve their personal and financial goals. Voluntary one to one coaching and support to help them achieve their personal and financial goals.
Retire mentality Program
45-55 Age Group Segment who want to pursue early retirement
These are the pre-retirees who plan to go on a ‘cruise’ mode in their life as they have achieved most of their personal milestones. They are looking for new challenges and opportunities to serve the community at large better.
A customized program to negative their later stage of their career and find new purpose in their lives. Significant population in the 52-55 years segment who are from the middle class background. They are pre-dominantly “lost” during this phase because they grew up with only ‘work’ as their identity and did not have the time to pursue any other interest / hobbies during their first 20 years of their career. They have been working hard to help the family achieve better standard in life.
Life Transition Program
Employees with their spouses
Mergers & Acquisitions (M&A) have become the norm these days. During the transition period, many employees go through stress and insecurity during the integration phase since they are not sure:
a. will their job / position be impacted?
b. will they have to re-locate-what will be the family impact?
c. city preferences and adjustment in the new location.
The program helps participant review career and other life choices from a new perspective. Makes life transitions an empowering and transforming experience in their lives.
The program provides an enabling platform for empathetic and healthy relationship between the employer and the employees. The employer brand gets enhanced because employees feel that employer does care for them.
Women and Finance
Women in corporations
Women drop out from the workforce very early on to start a Family or move to another location due to spousal transfers. Companies lose highly efficient and productive workers. During sabbatical, women often lack confidence and they feel many a times that they have lost their independence. The crucial one being financial independence. Research has shown that if women can be empowered early on to save and invest during their working years, they are more motivated to get back to work and regain their confidence and financial independence.
A hands-on training program to ensure that women to ensure that women get financially empowered and implement their action plans immediately. Boosts their confidence levels, helps them make informed decisions in many aspects of their lives, participate proactively in the family’s decision making process, help them plan and lead a healthy, wealthy and happy life.
Liveliness Program
35-45 Age Group Segment
Large number of people in this age group have lost their enthusiasm to work because they feel they are stagnating in their career. Personally, they are the most stressed out segment because they are the ‘sandwiched’ generation. They feel guilty that they neither do have enough energy to raise their young kids or take care of their ageing parents.
Their energy level across the four spectrums-physical, emotional, mental and spiritual are very less. They need to be fully engaged to achieve the corporation’s business objectives and goals. Yet, have a balance in their personal lives. It is imperative that the organizations get them engaged so that they are ‘lively’ and can add value through their leadership, expertise and guide their juniors to increased productivity and happiness in their lives.
A very innovative program that is probably the first of its kind in India. Adds huge value to organizations and it shows that they care for this large segment of talented employees. The interactive program will help participants by understanding their current energy levels and work towards an action plan to gain ‘liveliness’ in their lives.